Dooletbek Eshekenov, Semih Babatürk

Keywords: Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz, official language, state language, language status


After the Kyrgyz Republic gained its independence on August 31, 1991, considerable efforts were made to the rapid development of the Kyrgyz language. However, these efforts were not successful in the first years why there were many Russian-speaking population and other ethnic groups in it. By 2021 the Kyrgyz language has shown remarkable development in terms of usage. Now, it is possible to observe the widespread use of Kyrgyz in many fields such as science, education, mass communication. Language use is a slowly changing process, so the Kyrgyz language use area continues to broaden by decades. Thus, definite laws have been enacted by the Kyrgyz state parliament to contribute to language development, whereas the effect of national unity and the people's protection of their values are also taken into consideration. The study describes the situation of the Kyrgyz language in the preindependence period. The efforts to popularize the language and make it both a state and official language status have been explained. The paper provides information regarding the organizations that contribute to the development of the Kyrgyz language. Along with mentioning the current problems of the language, the study also suggests various solutions to solve them. The conclusion and the section of suggestions describe the current situation and the usage area of the Kyrgyz language. Some recommendations regarding what kind of steps should be taken by the state and in-person are included. All these attempts are performed to give the Kyrgyz language the importance that it deserves.