Traditional Conflict (Quarrel) Issue and Their Solutions in Kazakhstan
Yerzhan Aryn, Zhanalik Baltabayeva
, Fikret Türkmen
Keywords: Kazakh, folk law, quarrel, barymta, syrymta
Social relations consist of multi-layered, multi-dimensional andmulti-level complex relationships between individuals, social groups,individuals and social groups and social institutions. In this complex spiralof relationships, it is inevitable that conflicts and quarrels will arise forvarious reasons. In a Kazakh proverb it says "No society without quarrels,no land without enemies". Quarrels known as "land quarrel", "widowquarrel", "price quarrel", "cattle quarrel", "dignity quarrel" in Kazakhsociety are examples of such social conflicts. Quarrels are conflicts thatoccur with actions, behaviours and words that are not well-intentioned,and psycho-social factors such as "conscience", "shame", "honour" and"revenge" play an important role in such conflicts. Individuals or socialgroups take great care to protect their honour and dignity, and when theirhonour and dignity are violated, they struggle to restore or restore theviolated honour and dignity. Social values, society's acceptance andjustice must be observed in the solution of the conflicts that arise inconnection with this. If such disagreements are not resolved with justice,they cause social separation and conflicts, hence put harm on the unityand solidarity. Customs, traditions and unwritten laws based on socialvalues and social judgment have an effective function in the resolutionof various disputes, quarrels and conflicts seen in the society. Folk lawis an effective mechanism that regulates social relations, solves socialproblems, and is an institution created as a result of the experiences andexperiences of past generations. In traditional societies, especially in ruralareas, folk law is still effective in resolving social conflicts. In this article,the social quarrels / conflicts in Kazakh society and the application andprocesses of folk law in their solution will be analysed