Muhittin Çelik, Mustafa Yılmaz

Keywords: Qashqai Turkish, reduplication, hendiadys, repetition, reiteration


In this study, the reduplications found in the works of Kaşkay AtasözlerindeAd Aktarmaları, Kaşkay Türklerinden Mansur Şah Muhammedi'ninŞiirleri, Kaşkay Türkçesi, Kaşkay Türklerinin Çocuk EdebiyatıÜrünleri ve Bu Ürünlerin Çocuk Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisi, Kaşkay TürkçesiMetinleri, Bir Kaşkay Türk Şiiri Antolojisi:Ḳaşḳā'i ŞiǾri yā Āšār-iŞuǾarā-yi Ḳaşḳā'î, Mazun Şiirler which are written in Qashqai Turkish,are handled. As a bilingual people, Turkish and Persian, the QashqaiTurks were making serious efforts to create their own written language.Determining the reduplications in Qashqai Turkish is important in pointof establishing the vocabulary of Qashqai Turkish and revealing the characteristicsof Qashqai Turkish reduplications.How the linguists define this wordgroup and different terms used forreduplications are mentioned in the Introduction section, in which theoreticalexplanations about reduplications are given. Moreover, formingpatterns of reduplications and how they are classified.Under the Reduplications heading, alphabetical list of the reduplicationsfound in the texts of Qashqai Turkish and at least one word of whichis Turkish is given with examples.Under the Examination heading, the reduplications found in the textsare handled according to meaning relations with their components, stemsof the words and phonetic resemblances between their components.In the Conclusion section of the study, statistical data obtained afterclassification of the reduplications are presented. Percentage values of thestatistical data shown separately for each examination title are also given.Furthermore, in the light of the obtained statistical data, some establishmentsand comments are made.