Sadettin Özçelik

Keywords: Dede Qorqud, Gunbed manuscript, Kazan Beyin Ejderhayı Öldürmesi, misreadings in Dresden manuscript


The Dede Qorqud International Symposium on World CulturalHeritage was organized by Bayburt University on 25-27 April 2019.In this symposium, the manuscript titled as Kazan Beyin Ejderhayıöldürmesi was introduced by Metin Ekici to the world of science. Thus,we witnessed that the number of Dede Qorqud Oghuznamahs have risento 13. Personally, since I have worked on two copies of Dede Qorqud andespecially on the Dresden copy, I was very excited and happy to attendthe meeting and witness this event. I was eagerly awating the realeaseof the new manuscript and reading the text. Finally, two months afterthe symposium, it was possible to read the Oghuznamahs Kazan BeyinEjderhayı Öldürmesi. I read it again and again by putting marks in someparts of the text for my turning back and rereading these parts. SometimesI tried to reread the original manuscript, read the prepared dictionary, readand examined the manuscript. Some of the language elements mentionedin this new manuscript indicated that some corrections should be madeabout the readings made on the text of Dede Qorqud. In other words, theexamination of the new text showed that there were some missing elementsthat shed light on the previous texts and took place there. Some of theelements in the writing made us think that there were incorrect spellingsdue to the person who copied the writing. In this article, adjustments onreadings in the light of the new manuscript Dresden copy are presented.