Caşteğin Turgunbayer, Süleyman Barlas

Keywords: Descriptive verb, verb of haste, Old Turkish, the Turkic languages


Descriptive verbs of the Turkic language, used from the earliestperiods to our time, are constructions formed from a verb and auxiliaryverb, attached to each other through the gerund affixes. In these structures,the main verb retains its meaning, and the descriptive verb indicatesaspects of the implementation of the action indicated by the main verb.The descriptive verb bér-, often used in Orhun texts, is often incorrectlytranslated into Turkey Turkish. The descriptive verb {-A bér-}, oftentranslated into Turkey Turkish by the verb {-I ver-}. But, the descriptiveverbs {-A bér-} and {-I vér-} are different origin and also their meanings aredifferent. Therefore, their use as equivalents causes translation problemsand misunderstanding of the sentences by the readers. In order to resolvethis problem within the context of our study, the necessity of taking intoconsideration such meanings, as to make beneficial, to do determinedly,perfective aspect and manner of action beside that of swiftness, of thedescriptive verb {-A bér-} in translations from both historical Turkicdialects and modern Turkic dialects into Turkey Turkish is brought tothe attention of the readers through the example of the sentence "Kişioglınta üze eçüm apam Bumın Kagan, İstemi Kagan olurmış. OlurupanTürk bodunıŋ ilin, törüsin, tuta birmiş, iti birmiş." In addition to thedescriptive verbs {-A bér-}, {-p ber-}, {-I vér-} which are frequently usedincorrectly, are classified according to their meanings.