Yasemin Uzun, Edina Solak

Keywords: Turkish, language, literature, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia period, Turcology


Bosnia and Herzegovina has hosted many civilizations throughout history, such as the Roman Empire, Byzantines, Hun Turks, and the Ottoman Empire. When the Ottoman Empire came to this geography in 1463, the people adopted Islam, Turkish language and Turkish culture. During the period from the Ottoman rule to 1878, Turkish lessons took place in many schools. In this period, as a result of the interest in Turkish language, dictionary studies were also carried out. Over time, Turkish newspapers were published and Turkish was included in Bosnian literature. Turkish continued to be used during the period when Bosnia and Herzegovina came out of the Ottoman administration. During the Yugoslavia period, the dominance of Turkish continued and works were written in Turkish. 116 Bosnian poets wrote their poems in Turkish, Bosnian Divan literature emerged. The influence of Turkish language and culture is also seen in Bosnian literature, such as sevdalinkas, epics, anecdotes and Karagöz-Hacivat. The period after the war between 1992- 1995 marked the beginning of a new era for Turkish. Turkish Language and Literature departments have been opened in many universities. Turkish has started to be taught as a compulsory / elective course in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the same time, media organs broadcasting in Turkish marked the beginning of a new era in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Postgraduate Turkish language teaching in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been carried out in the Turcology departments of Sarajevo, Zenica Tuzla, Mostar Džemal Bijedić and International Sarajevo universities. Every year, lecturers from Turkey are assigned to these institutions and Maarif Foundation School by the Ministry of National Education of Turkey. In this study, teaching of Turkish Language and literature in Bosnia and Herzegovina from past to present and its effect on Bosnia and Herzegovina language and literature will be evaluated.