Nevzat Gözaydın

Keywords: Narrative catalogue, dead, death, taboo, religion, dying, dangerous dead, imaginary dead


The idioms, poems, folk songs and legends are the richness of Turkish language as well as being valuable data of Turkish folk literature. Although people mostly imigrated to the cities from the villages, these narrations and literary texts are still told and believed into them among people. In Turkey, a catalogue has not been published yet. My purpose is to prepare a catalogue regarding dead and death. The catalog I have taken as an example is Motif-Index of Folk- Literature. Up till today, I have archived around four thousand narratives, of which some are similar and some are different in mentioning about dead (death), taboo and religion sections. Heretofore, I have published fourteen seperate articles on these subjects. In this paper, I intend to give some examples from the narratives I compiled about death and the dead person. I categorized these narratives according to their themes such as being seen to another person in a dream, the time of death, dangerous dead person and imaginary dead person etc. At the beginning of my paper I have also given some examples from the newspapers.