Savaş Şahin

Keywords: Labial Singarmonizm, labial atraction, Turkmen Turkish, labial atraction in Turkish dialect Labial Singarmonizm


It is observed that labial harmony has emerged in the last period ofOttoman Turkish in which the labial harmony in Turkish is not very strongstarting from Old Turkish. There are various reasons of labialisation inTurkish. The decline of the / g /, / ġ / consonants in Old Turkish, the effectof lip consonants similarities are the leading causes of deterioration. Thereason of labialisation in some words is not understood. In Turkish, labialisationis not shown in written language, but labialisation is observedin the spoken language. Old Anatolian Turkish, Ottoman Turkish in theAnatolian dialects; In some of the dialects of Oghuz, Kipchak, Karluk andNorth-east groups, labialisation is seen clearly in the spoken language.Although round vowels in the standard written language in Turkmen Turkishare not shown in the written language after certain syllables, it is observedthat there are roundings in the spoken language. These roundingsare also seen in some Turkmen dialects. The fact that there was no labialvowel in Turkmen Turkish after the second syllable caused deteriorationof the lip harmony. If we come to the standard written language, thereare nearly forty suffixes in the linguistic harmony in Turkmen Turkish.Roundings not shown in the written language of Turkmen Turkish areseen only in the spoken language. Roundings in Turkmen Turkish mayvary depending on the thickness or fineness of the vowels, their wide ornarrowness, their length or shortness, the syllable of the word, the numberof syllables, the suffixes to the word and the sound characteristics ofthe dialect spoken by the speeches. The lengths seen in Turkmen Turkishdo not change the labial harmony in narrow-rounded vowels. The narrowvowel in the second syllable, spelling is written in the famous letters, butthe round is said with a famous. In this study, the roundings seen in theTurkic language, which are not seen in the written language, but whichare seen in the spoken language, are discussed. This issue is consideredto be studied in detail because it is an issue that create troubles for peopletrying to learn or speak Turkmen Turkish.