Talip Yıldırım, Duygu Koca

Keywords: Kazakh, Kazakh Turkic, Orkhun Turkic, word, history


The Kazakhs are a Turkic tribe that emerged in the second half of the 15th century after the collapse of the Golden Horde Khanate. The Kazakhs belong to the Northern Turkic tribes, that is the Kipchak, and so their language belongs to the Kipchak dialects group. Kazakh is the Turkic dialect spoken in the largest area of all Turkic dialects. Kazakh is, today, spoken by the Kazakhs living in Kazakhstan, eastern Turkistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. In this study, we have found out the Orkhun Turkic words still living in contemporary Kazakh through examining the Kazakh- Turkish Dictionary prepared by Kenan Koç, Ayabek Bayniyazov and Vehbi Başkapan and showed their conditions through the historical process